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Who's renting what Netflix movie in Chicago?

Check out (ha ha) this wonderful NY Times interactive map showing Netflix title rentals organized by neighborhood in 12 cities. Some titles with distinct patterns are Mad Men, Obsessed and Last Chance Harvey.


This is interactive design (javascript in this case) at its highest level: it's meant to inform, not simply dazzle.

It appears that the Meryl Streep Fan Club in Chicago is a pretty small group.

References (4)

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    Football is actually a single of the largest sports in America. It has a key following.
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    Response: towing truck 92106
    www.HammondDesignCo.com - Voices in My Head - Who's renting what Netflix movie in Chicago?
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    Response: Matthew Sample
    www.HammondDesignCo.com - Voices in My Head - Who's renting what Netflix movie in Chicago?
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    Response: Interracial Dating

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